Free For All Friday!!

Free For All Friday!!

Today is Free-For-All Friday! Free for All means you can post whatever you want on my blog. Say what you want to say, share a link, complain about household appliances, etc…all you have to do is login and post!

Here’s how to do it:

1. Go to
2. Login/Password: ffaf/dontspam
3. You will be automatically sent to the page where you make a new post
4. Enter a title, and make sure on the top right, that the “FFAFriday” category is checked, NOT General
5. Type what you want to type into the Post Body “Entry Body”.
6. When you’re done, click “Publish” at the bottom of your entry

1. Please keep it somewhat clean…if you don’t think I would post it, don’t. God forbid if I find spam or porn links…
2. Feel free to link your blog…just make sure you say who you are. (sign your post)
3. I reserve the right to edit/delete inappropriate posts (or those with really obvious spelling mistakes)
4. Have fun!

And another one…

And another one…

Well well, and I just made another new skin, this time featuring Meg Ryan. I really like those two pictures, and not only because she’s dressed US style…Meg looks quite droolworthy in the pics. 🙂
Other than that I haven’t done very much today, I made this nice Hugh wallpaper that you can see on the right side, but so far I’m not gonna release it in my wallpaper section, I just think it’s not fancy enough. It’s only a simple (but gorgeous) picture of Hugh and I ran a couple of filters over it, so the slight blurriness looks like it’s wanted (in truth it’s just blurry because of the resizing. ;))
Tonight my mom and me are going to friends’ for dinner. They invited us over, ’cause they’re making Raclette. I don’t know whether everyone knows what raclette is…don’t think it’s very wide-spread, probably just Germany, Switzerland, France and Austria….not sure. 😕 Anyway, I’m looking forward to that, ’cause I really love that stuff and we don’t have it very often, since we don’t have a raclette oven….

Ok, that’s it for today, now I gotta go take a shower and afterwards Places will be updated. 🙂

New Skin!

New Skin!

What happens when Anna gets bored and doesn’t even have to feel bad for slacking off, ’cause there’s nothing important to do?
Yeap, Anna creates new skin for her website. I’d applied for the Hugh Jackman fanlisting, but sadly I got a rejection mail today. Very depressing, I would’ve killed for that fanlisting… 🙁 I was already looking forward to building it. Well, I still wanted to make something Hugh related, so I just decided to make this brand spanking new skin! How do you all like it? I’m very satisfied with it, even though it is pretty simple.
I wish I could just one day sit on my ass and learn how to really skin my site, with completely different layouts, but till that day the stylesheet switcher will have to do. 🙂
Work was pretty stressful last week, especially Tuesday and Wednesday when we were only two people in the agency, I had so much to do and like every 5 minutes my boss called me and gave me even more work. I was so exhausted in the evenings, unbelievable….but yeah, I survived, somehow. 😉
I’d like to do some memes to fill this entry up a bit more, but I just can’t find any good ones. Friday Five is still on hiatus, Weekly Wrapup doesn’t exist anymore (which is really a shame, I always enjoyed that one), and I don’t really like the Saturday memes I found.

Hah, gotta edit, ’cause I did find a meme in the end. 🙂
The Unconscious Mutterings
Virginia — Lewis
Soft — Skin
Carol — Christmas
Vanity — Kit
Feminist — Alice Schwarzer (non-Germans most likely don’t know her)
Alias — Michael Vartan
Coward — Ambrosius
Beer — Homer Simpson
Chance — Yatzee
Honest — important

Oh, and just to prepare you guys, next Friday this blog will take part in Free For All Friday 🙂

I love spring!

I love spring!

Everything is blooming, and looks very pretty, really reall enjoy that. Today will be spent mostly outside, working in our tiny garden. We need to finish cutting out hedge, which is actually a pain, in every way. It has lots of thorns and they have something in them that’s not very good for you, it irritates my skin very badly. I hate that thing really, I’d prefer a different one, but my mom says it looks so pretty in the fall with all the little red berries. But the rest of the year it’s ugly. 😛 So what’s the point in keeping it? Well, we’ve been through this before… *sighs*
Anyway, we just came back from the gardening store, we bought some herbs, that will be planted in our garden. That is the part I’m looking forward to. I’m like a child, love digging in the dirt. Hehe. 🙂
What else can I tell you about?
Oh yes, I will get my real contract for my 3 year training at the travel agency starting May 1st! I was supposed to get it June 1st, but I guess my boss didn’t remember that right and counted wrong, but oh well. Hehe, I’m glad I’m getting it sooner, ’cause that means I will earn more money. Yeah well, it’s still not very much, but better than what I get right now, definitely. 🙂
Things are not looking much better for the agency though, my boss officially filled me in now and said that he will either sell it by the end of September or will close it down. But even if he has to close it down, my job will be secure, he will work from his home then, and only do fairs and stuff like that. Well, I’m not very much looking forward to working from his home and not working face to face with customers anymore, but it’s better than having no job at all. I would hate having to start searching all over again. It’s a pain. I really hope he will be able to sell it though.

Ok, since this week we don’t have a Friday Five I searched through their archives and am now using the one from May 16, 2002:

1. What drinking water do you prefer — tap, bottle, purifier, etc.?
Tap water. The one we have around here is actually healthier than most bottled water. At least that’s what they say.
2. What are your favorite flavor of chips?
Pepperoni flavored
3. Of all the things you can cook, what dish do you like the most?
My very cheesy noodle pie 🙂
4. How do you have your eggs?
5. Who was the last person who cooked you a meal? How did it turn out?
My mom, and it turned out great as usual.

Miss me?

Miss me?

I’m really bad, I know. I should’ve posted a lot sooner, but I didn’t really know what about.
Ok, I still don’t know what I will write, so it’ll be a surprise for you an me. 🙂

On Thursday I signed myself up for a trip to Europa Park in May. For those of you who’ve never heard of it before, Europa Park is a popular theme park on the border between Germany and France. When I was younger I’ve been there numerous times. The last time was over 10 years ago I think, so it’s about time I go again. So much has changed since then, they have a lot of new stuff! And in June this new hotel is opening, which is how I get to go there. Again a special offer for travel agents. You basically go there to test the hotel, they tell you things about it and show you around. I’m gonna stay there for one night and get to go into the park too. And guess how much it costs me? Nothing, Niente, Nada, Nichts! Did I already mention how much I love my job? 😉
When I first signed up I picked the wrong date though. I was so excited about this offer that I completely forgot that the date I picked is my dad’s 60th birthday. Ack, yeah, I’m smartl like that. lol. But I called them the next day after I found out, and was able to change it. Phew.

Ok, I’m bored so I’m gonna do a Meme I found. 🙂

Daily Dirt
1. What do you plan on becoming?
I think that’s an obvious one…a travel agent of course!
2. If you could marry anyone, who would it be?
Anyone? Well, ok let’s exclude celebrities, ’cause the list would be way too long. There is this one person I would marry on the spot. Eliza knows who I’m talking about, I’m sure. I won’t say the name, since who knows, he might read this blog. I highly doubt it, since I haven’t seen him in *thinks* over a year, and we haven’t been in any kind of contact either, so he wouldn’t know this URL. Anyway, when I think about him today (and actually I’ve been thinking about him a lot lately, no idea why), the feelings just start coming up again…Let’s just say, if you look into my archery pictures section on this site, you can spot him on several pics, and no it’s not the one in the blue shirt 🙂 And if you’re even more curious, check out my LJ (you have to be on my friends list to be able to read it) and read random entries starting at the beginning of my LJ, December 2001. I warn you though, the later entries concerning him are extremely immature and depressed…
3. How many kids do you want?
I want 2, 2 girls actually.
4. Do you think you’ll be successful?
With number 1, yes, I’m pretty sure I will be successful. Number 2 is very doubtful, after all, I haven’t even seen him in ages. Number 3, well, who knows?
5. What event do you think may happen in the near-ish future because of everything that’s happened?
Ummmm, I have no idea….



I just booked a trip to London for 4 days for 54 Euros. ^-^
It’s a special trip for people working in travel agencies, provided by Rainbow Tours.
Well, the trip is in September, so I’ll have to be patient a little longer, but woooooooo! *bounces*

The weather

The weather

It’s behaving so weird lately.
Two weeks ago we had snow, snow, snow. It was freezing cold and I actually was ok with it. At least there was snow. 🙂
Anyway, last week it was completely different. We had the nicest spring weather, it was very warm (up to 18°C/65°F) and I really got used to warmth and really enjoyed it. I hoped that spring was finally there. Ummm, yeah, I know it’s February, but a girl can dream, yes?
Sadly this warmth didn’t last long, over the weekend it got colder and colder again. And about an hour ago I got up and went upstairs to get some breakfast and am in shock when I look outside the window: SNOW! AGAIN! I love snow, really, but I was already looking forward to spring and now it just annoys me. 🙁 Why can’t we have snow with warm weather? That would be impossible, but also perfect. 🙂
Now I’m off to another day at work. Hopefully not as boring as yesterday.



I’m at work, and gee….it’s so boring. Nobody is coming to buy anything, and ugh….just boring… *yawns*
Anyone have any ideas what we could do? Open for any suggestions!

Alrighty then!

Alrighty then!

Gee, I haven’t posted in ages!!
Well, actually I did, but I never published those entries, don’t ask me why.
Made quite a change just now, by installing WordPress. It’s much more handy than Movable Type. Ok, so it doesn’t have all those neat hacks yet, but I really don’t care. At least now I don’t have to rebuild everything anymore.
Nothing much has happened in my life lately, that’s why I didn’t blog much, also ’cause I’m usually quite tired when I come home from work.
Well, I’m tired right now too, and I just wanted to test the blog really, so I’m gonna go to bed now. *yawns*

Oh so beautiful

Oh so beautiful

Elisabeth was sooooo beautiful! I really loved it, and would love to see it again. Of course I know that won’t happen, at least not during the current run. *sighs*
If you are German-speaking and have the chance to see it, please do so!!
I’ve been wanting to see it live ever since I first listened to the CD a few years ago. And yesterday I finally could make that dream come true. The performance was amazing, and it was interesting to see it from up above, at some points, you could see what’s happening under the stage. 🙂
And Death was gorgeous! :hearts: He was played by the understudy, and damn, he’s hot! Of course gay… just my luck, eh? What is it with me and gay guys?
Anyway, a more detailed description of the trip will follow within the next few days. I have to get up early tomorrow morning, first day of my new job. Need my sleep. Especially since I have a bad cold. *sneezes*