

Well, tomorrow I’m getting on a plane to Vienna to visit Coni and Martina, so I definitely won’t be posting here until I come back. Which will be Tuesday night.
Just letting you guys know in case you’re wondering what happened to me. Not that anyone will actually miss me 😉

New skin!

New skin!

Labyrinth fans, please check out the Skins section of my site!! I just uploaded a brand spankin new Winamp skin featuring Jareth. Personally, I’m very much in love with my work, how about you? Like it at all? Please let me know. 🙂

I was in heaven

I was in heaven

OMG, the concert was (for a lack of better words) FUCKING AWESOME!!!! This must’ve been the best concert I’ve ever been to!
But let’s start at the beginning. I left for Stuttgart at around 2pm, since, like I posted before, I put it in my head, that I’d get as far to the front as possible. Of course on the way there was a traffic jam and I was already getting nervous, In my head all the people in front of me wanted to go to the concert. LOL. Luckily the traffic jam wasn’t too long, so I continued my way. When I came to the arena, the parking area wasn’t watched yet, so I could drive in without paying, wooo! Walking up to the entrance I was very surprised, there were hardly any people. Maybe 15, tops. They were all standing in front of the left entrance, so that where I went too. Later a couple arrived and we got to talking, they were really, nice. Though he wasn’t even a fan, and she’d had a hard time to convince him to go to the concert. Anyway, we wondered whether the right entrance would open too, and whether we should stand there since we’d be first in line there. After a lot of contemplating, we decided to go for it. Even though it meant that we had to run a little further to get to the stage. Well, a few feet only, but still.
Well, at 6:15 the gates opened. I had to have my backpack checked and in my opinion that took way too long 😉 Next station was having the tickets checkeed and then it was just running. God, I didn’t know I could run this fast!! But it was soooo worth it!!! FRONT ROW!!! I still can’t believe it! My first Bowie concert AND the first concert I’ve ever been in front row!!!
Well, we sat down right away since it was still a little over an hour before the concert would begin.
At exactly 7:30 the lights went down and the Dandy Warhol’s came on stage. Honestly, I expected them to be worse, from what I heard about previous concerts. They definitely weren’t my thing, their music almost put me to sleep 😉 but it wasn’t completely horrible. They played till 8:15.
That one girl knew that Bowie would come on stage at 8:45 so there was another 30 minutes to spend, luckily they passed very quickly. When the lights went down again the whole arena started to cheer. They first played a little clip with a comic band and a comic bowie playing, it was really cute. Not too long after the band members came on stage and finally David too! Oh God, he looked so awesome!! And I could see him up close! I was in heaven!!!
The first song they played was Rebel, Rebel, very cool opener, but that also showed me that he wouldn’t play Jean Genie, since that was always the opener at concerts he played it at.
David seemed to be in a very very good mood, he was always smiling, laughing, making jokes, it was great to see him like that! And the audience responded very well.
One of my personal highlights was when he sang “I’m Afraid of Americans” and “Heroes”, the crowd was going crazy!
Well, I don’t really know what else to say, I’m not very good at describing things, I think…
I filled two rolls of film, which I will have developed tomorrow. Hopefully they turn out good, if they do, expect them to be posted somewhere on my site.
Really, I still can’t believe that I saw David from the front row, it’s all like a dream. Someone please pinch me. This can’t be true! No way!
Oh yeah, something that disappointed me a bit was that he didn’t play “Slip Away” which is one of my favorite songs…:bigcry: Since he’d played it at the last 3 or 4 concerts I was hoping he would too tonight, but nope, no Slip Away. 🙁 Oh well, I can still listen to it on CD. 🙂
Ok, I think this is all I will write about the concert right now, when I get the setlist at BowieNet and my pictures developed, I might post a more detailed description, we’ll see.
All in all, the concert was awesome, David looked gorgeous and now I love him even more than before, I didn’t think that’d be possible.
Now I have to go to bed. :snore:



And there I was wondering why my guestbook entries kept disappearing….with Skybly’s help I figured out that it was actually someone else who deleted the entries. Of course my own fault really, since I posted the config file on the codegrrl forums since something wasn’t working. I forgot to delete the access password from the config file though, so it was openly posted at the forum. Ugh! :paperbag:
But instead that the person who noticed, is doing the decent thing by telling me, nope, they just go ahead, login and delete the posts. What is up with people these days? Is that person’s life so empty that they felt the need to do that? Stupid, really stupid. But then again, what can you expect from an AOL user? :rolleyes: Yeah, it was an AOL user, I do have their IP.
So, if you signed my guestbook before, please do it again, since all entries are gone…

On to other things….I really enjoyed having my friends over last night, we had a great time. 🙂
Now it’s only about 18 hours left till the concert, no, actually 19, since we’re going back to standard time this night, so the clocks will be set back one hour. One more hour to wait till the concert, how am I gonna survive?? I’m now in full concert mode, with the usual tingly feeling in my stomach that just won’t go away. :smug:
Yeah, I keep having those hyperactive outbursts, where I’ll just start dancing through my room. :happy:

Nothing really interesting…

Nothing really interesting…

Wow, I really don’t know when I was last looking forward to a concert so much. I can hardly wait till Sunday, it’s driving me insane!!
I actually wanted to meet up with some people of a messageboard before the concert, but decided not to do that, since they meet up at 6pm and I want to be there a lot earlier, so I can get as close to the stage as possible. I’m a nut, I know. 😉 It’s just…I can’t describe it, really, I mean it’s David Bowie, what is not to love and adore about him? :hearts:
Also, if you’ve been following the songs I’m listening to at the moment (changes everytime a new song is played in Winamp, so every 3-5 minutes usually), I’ve been listening to his music for the past week or so. Can’t get enough of it. Ok, I guess if I didn’t listen to it, it would be easier for me to wait for the concert to come around. :rolleyes:
Can anyone tell me why some actors/singers just make me feel like a crazed teenager?? :laugh:
A very positive thing about this is also, that I don’t my birthday coming up that much. Since the concert is two days afterwards, and I want that to come asap, so oh well, I guess I can’t ignore my birthday after all. 😉
I do have some friends coming over too actually. I’m glad to see them again, it’s so weird, lately I haven’t seen them at all. Everyone is busy with their own lives, and I really miss them…

Oh yeah, and I want to plug PhanTim, a little countdown script that I’m using to count down the time to the Bowie concert. Currently it’s 3days, 20 hours, 43 minutes and 5 seconds. 🙂 Wheeeeeeeeee!

Concert Time!

Concert Time!

Just a pretty short note about it here, I guess some of you already read it in my LJ.
I’m going to see David Bowie live in less than two weeks!!:sunny: I got my ticket today. *happydances all around her blog* The last concert I’ve been to was a-ha over a year ago, it’s about time. And the concert being David Bowie :hearts: is a special treat, and also a kind of birthday present to myself, since the concert is two days after my birthday!
Oh, and I finally got my guestbook up and running, so please sign it! 🙂



It might sound weird to some of you, since I’m actually “at home” right now, but I’m actually talking about a different home.
Today I looked at pictures of Estes Park, and a strong feeling of home-sickness hit me. I really miss Estes Park, and the Elkhorn Lodge, it’s over a year since I’ve been there the last time, and I’d really love to go again. Life was happy and normal there. Besides some usual everyday job problems there were no problems at all. I miss those days. 🙁 Not having to worry about anything, just living from day to day, having fun with lots of very nice people in a beautiful area. Even if it was difficult to get into the next bigger town for shopping if you didn’t have a car (actually quite impossible), it’s just wonderful. The landscape, gorgeous, in the middle of the Rocky Mountains.
I’ve been very nostalgic in the last few hours, that’s probably why I keep thinking about the 6 months I spent there.
The first year I went to work at the Elkhorn Lodge, in the beginning I didn’t like it all. I was ready to leave for a different job. Luckily I didn’t though. I don’t think I would’ve survived working at McDonalds for 3 months (And I still don’t know how you did it, Dennis). The reason I wanted to leave the Elkhorn was that I didn’t know anybody and felt very insecure and alone. But I eventually got to know the people working there and am still in contact with some of them today. I met people from all over the world (Taiwan, Canada, Czech Republic (Czech people were almost everywhere ;)), Ireland, France,…), we were a very international group of people working there. If somebody had told me at the beginning of my stay that I’d come back for a second time the year after, I would’ve told them they’re crazy. But yes, I did come back, and met even more lovely people. We were like a family. God, how I cried when I had to go back home, it was horrible. 🙁
It meant going back to my real life and trying to get some order into it. After all I’d just quit university a few months before. And as most of you guys know, even a year afterwards, I still didn’t succeed, my life is still a mess. No job, no future, no nothing…
I want to change it, but somehow it seems like I don’t have the strength and willpower to do it. Defeated so many times already when trying to find a job, no wonder I feel like giving up.

Mmmmh, this entry got longer than I expected it to be, and it seems more like LJ material, but oh well, I just don’t care who reads this right now. 🙁



I’m very upset right now, and if you go here you’ll see why. There is somebody accusing me I’ve stolen someone’s layout. Which is absolutely not true. I made all the layouts from scratch, all images, colors, I only used CSS Templates from SSI Developer, but even those I configured to my liking. I have all the original images, in layered versions as .pspimages, so I really don’t know what they’re on about.
Please, if you are this person who asked that question, can you please let me know what I apparently copied? Just send me an e-mail or comment to this entry. I want to have this resolved, ’cause I really am not a thief.
I hope all you guys know that I’d never steal someone else’s layout. Those accusations really upset me. :confused::sad:

New feature

New feature

So I finally did what I wanted to do for a while already. I made my site skinnable. Though it’s not the usual skinning with new layouts and such, it’s just a stylesheet switcher. Only the colors and the image at the top are changing. Right now I only have two different styles, but I’ll make more, don’t worry. 🙂
So, what do you think about the two I already have?
Any suggestions for other ones I can make? I’m open for any comments.
Don’t have much more to write about right now, I guess I’ll make a bigger entry tomorrow or Saturday, we’ll see.