

Happy FFAF, and Happy New Year!

I think I might very well be the only person who made any resolutions this year. I think I’m aiming high because last year I didn’t make any, and I still managed to accomplish a few miniscule things πŸ˜‰ In any case, that’s a story for my own blog at a later date.

Am I the only one having a hard time figuring out what to write as I go blog hopping this morning?

Here’s to a creative and idea-full 2005!

Daria, the Diner Bitch



Yes! This was my last day at work this year! I will be off work till January 10th, with a little vacation break on the 3rd to help out at the agency.
But yay! No work for more than 2 weeks. I so need that at the moment. Haven’t had a proper time off work for about 6 months….

Stressed out!

Stressed out!

Yes, and the week only just began. *sighs*
Everything in the agency is being changed around and nothing works anymore. I can’t issue train tickets, I can’t issue flight tickets, nothing! Ugh! This is annoying as hell, and I’m so frustrated it’s not funny anymore. Someone please come and save me from this!

Hello again

Hello again

I really think I should post more in my blog to keep you guys who don’t have access to my LJ updated on what’s going on in my life.
Right now I’m at work, but can’t really do anything since stuff is being changed here and my access to the flight database is blocked. Actually I just checked again and it’s not blocked anymore, but now all the data is gone. Which means everything has been switched over and I’ll have to uninstall and reinstall our program, oh yeah. so looking forward to that. Please cross your fingers for me that it will work without any problems. I want to relax this weekend and not have to worry about work. Blah.
This weekend my mom and me will start baking christmas cookies. Weeeee! Tonight will be decided which ones will be made. That’s what I especially love about Christmas. Baking all different kinds of cookies! Yay! My brother will come over Christmas and we’re still waiting to hear back from my sister. Hopefully she will come too. That would be a wonderful Christmas. All family together again. Well, besides my dad of course, but I’m not sure I miss him after all that’s been going on lately, and what I heard…

TFL Secret Santa

TFL Secret Santa

OMG, I just have to share with you guys what I got from my Secret Santa at the TFL Messageboard. This is the first gift I got and I absolutely love it! The person who made it obviously has very good graphic skills. Don’t know whether I would’ve been able to make such a thing…
Now, here goes:
My first Secret Santa gift

Just, plain awesome, Anna is speechless!

Miss me?

Miss me?

And I missed another FFAF. Damn me. πŸ™ I think I really shall put myself onto the mailinglist so I can’t forget again. I mean what fun is it to join such a thing if you keep forgetting it…
Yeah, I’m rambling…
Just drove my boss to the airport, ’cause he’s going to a fair in Barcelona. Woo! Three days without him!! Too bad I’m in school two of those days…
So what’s been going on with me lately? Our office organized package tours to a hairdresser’s fair in London at the end of October, and until then I was so stressed out, it wasn’t fun anymore. Only thing I could think about was that stupid fare and whether everything was going alright. I hoped that the pressure would get less as soon as the fair was over, but that didn’t really happen because of all the work needed to be done to wrap everything up, especially since several things didn’t go as planned. Of course all the blame was put on me. Poor little girl who is brand new in the business and has to handle everything basically alone. Yeah, my boss wasn’t very helpful.
Now, a month later, I can finally start to relax a bit. I just took a long weekend from Thursday to Sunday, to relax a bit, but yeah, of course I HAD to get sick right then. Inflamed left eye and a pretty bad cold. Ew!
Nonetheless I FINALLY made the long overdue update in my TFL category. I hadn’t processed any applications for months and felt really bad everytime I sat at my computer and didn’t do any updating. I’m almost caught up now. Only 40 more applications to process, yay! I think I shall get that done within this week, which will be very busy for me. Tomorrow I’m writing a test in my accountancy class. On Wednesday I’m going to see the Bridget Jones Double Feature, Friday I’m going to a Bryan Adams concert, and I will be in Cologne over the weekend. Me and my colleague/friend are going there to see a preview of “We Will Rock You”. Very much looking forward to that. It comes together with dinner beforehand and a big party afterwards. We’re gonna be VIPs. πŸ˜‰ At least we’re gonna get VIP-passes, hehe. Yeah, I think I made the right choice with working at a travel agency. All those nice trips we can go on. The train tickets are on the office, so we don’t have to pay for that. Only for the actual event and that only costs us ҂¬35,00 each. We don’t have to pay for accomodation either, since we’re gonna stay at my aunt’s place who isn’t home during the weekend.
Another thing I’m looking forward to is the fact that I will have time off work from December 24th till January 8th!! w00t w00t!! That will be some REAL time to relax!
Well, I think that’s all for now. Maybe I should go back to pretending to work. πŸ˜‰



Happy Halloween all, okay I’m a bit early. I’m Phill by the way (blackheart) I’m on my FFAF rounds, but my inspiration is all dried up. It’s nearly time for Green Wing so:

ALAN : Do you want me to report you for that earring?
MAC : Only if I can report you for that moustache.
ALAN : Most women find male body piercing repugnant, I thankfully, am completely intact.
MAC : Well, even I draw the line at piercing arseholes.
ALAN : Exactly. (realises that he has been insulted, as Mac walks away)

There, if you can’t get Green Wing, why not move to sunny Bognor Regis.
(I’m hyper – Can you tell)

i love this movie

i love this movie

I am Luka from Incogblogo and I do the FFAF at my site as well. Feel free to swing by and post πŸ™‚ Typically I do movie quotes – and I am gonna do the same this month as well. This twist this month – since the Halloween is Sunday – all the movies are Halloween’y. Or at least sort of πŸ™‚

Hello Danny. Come and play with us. Come and play with us, Danny. Forever… and ever… and ever.

Can you name this movie?

Free For All Friday!

Free For All Friday!

Thanks to Luka for reminding me!

1. Go to
2. Login/Password: ffaf/dontspam
3. You will be automatically sent to the page where you make a new post
4. Enter a title, and make sure on the top right, that the “FFAFriday” category is checked, NOT General
5. Type what you want to type into the Post Body “Entry Body”.
6. When youҀ™re done, click “Publish” at the bottom of your entry


1. Please keep it somewhat clean… if you don’t think I would post it, don’t. God forbid if I find spam or porn links…
2. Feel free to link your blog… just make sure you say who you are. (sign your post)
3. I reserve the right to edit/delete inappropriate posts (or those with really obvious spelling mistakes)
4. Have fun!