


This is probably the thing I like to do most. I just love seeing new place, and also returning to the ones I really liked.
The first trip I did on my own (meaning without my parents) was to the USA in 1997. I went there with two friends of mine and we had a great time in New York and Florida. And I’ve been back to the USA 4 times afterwards.
In 1999 I went on a 2 months trip across the USA with two friends of mine. We rented a car in Orlando, FL and just started driving. We had a blast, and saw so much, it was truly amazing!
In 2000 I fulfilled another dream of mine, which was going to Ireland. I’ve always wanted to go there and in a quite spontaneous mood a friend from university and me decided to just go for it and fly there for 2 weeks. I already thought American people are very nice people, but they are downright rude compared to the Irish. 😉
In 2001 and 2002 I spent 3 months each in Estes Park, CO. I worked there as a housekeeper during the summer. Even though I hated it in the beginning I grew to love the people I was working with, which is why I returned in 2002. Estes Park is in the Rocky Mountains right at the East Entrance to the Rocky Mountain National Park. It’s basically in the middle of nowhere, but that is what is so charming about the place.
A few days ago I came back from a short weekend trip to New York. I went there with a friend from the Netherlands, basically because we wanted to see a play. Crazy huh? Well, not as crazy when I tell you that Malcolm Gets was in the play, and I’m more than obsessed with him!!
A few of the place I want to visit in the hopefully not so far away future are New Zealand, Iceland, Scandinavia, Canada, Australia, Southern America and Scotland.

Cape Cod 1996
Travel Route 1999
Pictures 1999
Pictures 2002
Travel Diary 2002
New York City 2003
New York City 2005

2000 Pictures

January 2002

Lyon 2004

Turkish Riviera 2005

November 2005