

Actually this is just a test entry. I tried to install the Amazon Plugin and Bookqueue, and the istallation process went through without any problems, however, now when trying to change a template I get an error message. 🙁
Just want to see whether I get it when posting too…

2 thoughts on “Well…

  1. Nah, everything’s ok now. I made this post when the error first appeared. As you can see even the book plugin seems to work, but I was too tired to install it anywhere but the main page, and it looks kinda weird, need to do something about the way it’s being displayed.
    I had troubles getting the main idex template up and running, always got some error and people on the MT Forums couldn’t help me with that, but then I discovered an old backup that I made when moving hosts, so that helped a lot.
    Thanks again for helping me out! :sunny:

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