I was in NYC last night!

I was in NYC last night!

Hah, yeah, I wish. 😛
I didn’t mention it before, ’cause I wasn’t sure whether I’d get a ticket, since I was off work for two weeks. Anyway, don’t want to confuse you any further by making weird remarks.
I saw the musical “42nd Street” last night! For free!! (Thanks Lufthansa for letting me go)
That was the first time I’ve seen it, and I was amazed. It is a really awesome musical, and I had a great time. All the dancing and costumes was great. Very loud and colorful, just the way I like musicals. Flashy! 🙂
The performers did an awesome job, and I really have no idea how they do that every single night, I sure would die. So exhausting, all that dancing.
2 days ago it was announced that 42nd Street will be dropped by the end of the year, which makes me glad that I got to see it now.
Rumor has it that this time, finally Elisabeth will come to Stuttgart, but I won’t believe it, unless I see an official statement. We had the rumor before, when Cats was dropped. But in the end it was replaced by Mamma Mia, which I thought was a bad decision, since it’s already running in Hamburg, very successfully. Why do we need it twice?
Oh well, I am gonna cross my fingers for Elisabeth.

I hope you won’t miss me too much the next few days. Tomorrow morning, bright and early (at 6:45am) my planes leaves for Lyon, France. I’m going there on a travel agency info trip and won’t be back until Sunday night. Hope it will be fun and hope even more that the folks there speak German or at least English, ’cause my French is basically non-existent. 😉

Have a nice rest of the week folks! *waves*

One thought on “I was in NYC last night!

  1. I’ve never seen a musical! Except for school plays… I would love to see ‘Chicago’ or ‘Cabaret’. Have fun in france!!!

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