

I wish I had something more intelligent to write, but I forgot it was FFAF and I had nothing prepared to glorify anyone’s blog with. I know, I’m a bad, bad FFAF participant.

I guess I’ll have to try harder for next month. Thank goodness we always GET a next month!! Well, MOST of us get a next month anyway. But I’m sure that those of us that DON’T get a next month have more important things to do, rather than to blog. Don’t you think?

Gypsy Girl

Good morning Silent Dreams!

Good morning Silent Dreams!

You know, we should really become sister-sites-in-lavenderness… heh…

Well, it’s 2:30 in the morning here, and my mind is frazzled.

Moopy’s drawing is adorable! I thought about making something myself, but all the ideas I came up with were naughty (in relation to Hugh anyways)…

So I shall just say that I hope you all have a lovely weekend!

And… have sweet dreams of sexy men… :->

– Scribbled into the sand by Tina

Not much to say…

Not much to say…

except that I love the drawing that the other ffafer (moopy?) posted. That is so cute. 😉

*peers over at her pillows* mmm, pillows calling…. yes, pillows.


Morning, Anna!

Morning, Anna!

Eep, I almost forgot it was FFAF today. Thanks for reminding me, lol. I’ve just opened up the FFAF-ness at my blog too, yay.

Gah, it’s faaaaar too early to be up, hehe. Erm, because I couldn’t think of anything useful to say, I decided to draw you a picture instead!

a picture!

Hehe, hope you like it! From Me! <3

It’s that time of month again

It’s that time of month again

Free-For-All Friday is back!!!

Here’s how to do it:

1. Go to
2. Login/Password: ffaf/dontspam
3. You will be automatically sent to the page where you make a new post
4. Enter a title, and make sure on the top right, that the “FFAFriday” category is checked, NOT General
5. Type what you want to type into the Post Body “Entry Body”.
6. When you’re done, click “Publish” at the bottom of your entry

1. Please keep it somewhat clean…if you don’t think I would post it, don’t. God forbid if I find spam or porn links…
2. Feel free to link your blog…just make sure you say who you are. (sign your post)
3. I reserve the right to edit/delete inappropriate posts (or those with really obvious spelling mistakes)
4. Have fun!



So you want to hear my opinion on Troy? I would’ve already posted something last night, but uuuh, I did need some sleep. 😉
I have to say that I really enjoyed the movie! It wasn’t the best thing since sliced bread, but it was certainly very good. I do say they should rename the movie though. “Brad Porn” is my suggestion. 😀 There were quite a few gorgeous Brad nude scenes, and I think I must’ve been drooling really badly. 😉 Very very sexy! Only those scenes are already worth watching the movie.
As for Orlando, I know some people will hate me for saying this but……he was the best person for the role of Paris. Paris is a stupid fool who has no clue of anything and all you can do is laugh about him for being such a stupid arse. Yup, Orlando was perfectly cast here. 🙂 Ack, I really really don’t like the guy. Don’t ask me why, he just rubs me the wrong way…
Since I’m still very tired (and I really don’t want to go to work), this is all I’m gonna say about the movie, well besides of course…

…the movie is very worth being seen! So what are you waiting for?

And wooooo! I just booked a ticket for the Harry Potter preview on June 2nd!! 😀

Movie crazed

Movie crazed

In a few hours I will go to the movies with a friend of mine to see “50 First Dates”, looking forward to that. And while we go there I will pick up another movie ticket that I reserved.
On Wednesday night (at 11:59pm) I will go see the “Troy” preview!! I saw a trailer when watching Van Helsing and knew that I just had to see the movie! I don’t care too much for Orlando Bloom (rather the opposite) but Brad Pitt….mmmmyammm! 😀
I actually wanted to see Van Helsing again tonight, but 50 First Dates destroyed this plan. But I will try to catch it again next weekend, and maybe even try to catch the English version at a theater a little farther away. So far they don’t have the movie on their showtime list though so I e-mailed them asking whether they plan on showing it anytime soon. Please cross your fingers for me that they will. 🙂

Van Helsing

Van Helsing

I just came back from the movies and let me tell you one thing: VAN HELSING IS AAAAWESOME!!!!
Woops, sorry, didn’t mean to scream. 😳
But honestly, it was one of the best movies I’ve seen in a long time. And that’s not only ’cause Hugh Jackman looked gorgeous in it. Let me tell you, not many guys can get away with long hair, but Hugh definitely can! Yumm!
I loved the special effects of the movie, very well done! And the soundtrack! Amazing!
I do admit that in the end it got a bit cheesy, but I didn’t really mind that, even though it didn’t quite fit the rest of the movie. But I love cheesy, so I was fine with that. 😀 Some people around me started groaning (all guys of course) but I just thought “Oh shut the fuck up!” 😛
I really don’t know what else I can say about the movie, I’m horrible with writing reviews, so I’m just gonna tell you:

Go see the movie as soon as you can!!!

Personally I think I might go see it again this weekend. 🙂

P.s.: Complete strangers are fighting about who’s gonna marry me in my tagboard? LOL What has the world come to? 😉
P.P.s.: I think I will have to make a new skin for my page, huh? A Van Helsing skin! 😀

FFAF and other stuff

FFAF and other stuff

So first of all, thanks everyone for joining in the Free For All Friday! It was very nice to read all your posts and I was very glad that noone decided to spam my blog. *bows*
Sadly I couldn’t post at other blogs much myself, ’cause I had to work and when I came back home I was too tired to do much. I will try my best next month though, promise. 🙂

I’m very excited and can’t wait until Wednesday, I bought a ticket for the “Van Helsing” preview on Wednesday night. Very much looking forward to seeing Hugh on the big screen again. 😀
Lets just hope I don’t have to work late, ’cause then I will have to go the movie theater straight from work, without being able to go home first. *sighs*

Last week I got the final ok, that I will be able to go to Europa Park, I already blogged about this little trip before. At first I had gotten a rejection because too many people signed up but they wrote that they’d put me on the waiting list, and woooooo, in the end I did get an approval 😎
And my boss signed me up for a trip to France, to Lyon to be exact. It will involve looking at lots of hotels and doing some tours. Will be going there on July 1st, and I hope that leaves me enough time to brush up my French skills, which are almost non-existant by now. 😳

Ok, I think that’s all for now. 😛