I made it!!

I made it!!

If you can read this, I finally moved over my page to the new server.
I’m happy happy happy!
Took me long enough. I started moving everything early this morning. Lets say it took me around 10 hours. A few breaks, but besides those, nonstop working, uploading, checking, changing. Phew. But it’s over. And I can say Bye bye to My Own Lil World.
Layout didn’t change much as you can see. I just changed the image at the top a little, didn’t have the nerve to change anything else. I’m tiiiired now :snore:
Now I’m still waiting for the DNS of obsess-much.com to be fully transferred. It’s weird. The main page is already running from netrillium, but the fanlistings seem to be running from the old server, what is up with that? Anyone care to explain? :confused:

Me again

Me again

I’ve wanted to make those for a while already, but since Skyler was asking for American Beauty screencaps, I decided to just get over it and make them. 🙂 You can now find them here:American Beauty
I love the movie!! :valentine: And it was great seeing it again.
So far there’s no news about moving to Netrillium yet. I’m still waiting for the reseller orders to open up again, and also there’s no news about obsess-much.com moving to Go Daddy. Lets hope my current registrar won’t make any trouble, ’cause I really want to keep this name! My personal domain, well, I don’t know about that yet. Won’t be able to get it over to Go Daddy, ’cause they don’t accept .de domains. So I’ll see about that. Might change it completely…
Any suggestions for names I could use?

And now for my Friday Five
1. What do you most want to be remembered for?
Mmmmh, tough one. Probably for being a good friend. There’s not really much more there is to me…
2. What quotation best fits your outlook on life?
Hopeless romantics are only hopeless in the eyes of those who don’t believe in romance. (That’s ’cause I am a hopeless romantic :heart: )
3. What single achievement are you most proud of in the past year?
Being spontaneous, very spontaneous and taking a chance. (Meaning, I decided to fly to NYC, not really thinking about it and doing what my heart told me)
4. What about the past ten years?
Hummm….getting my “Abitur”? And even with a pretty good grade. Not what I expected at all.
5. If you were asked to give a child a single piece of advice to guide them through life, what would you say?
Listen to your heart.

And to annoy you even more with pointless stuff, here’s the Weekly Wrapup:

1. Do you like summer? Why or why not?
That depends on how hot the summer is. :happy: I didn’t really like it that much, mostly because at our old place I was living right under the rooftop and it got unbearingly hot up there in the summer. But now that I live in the basement it’s gotten 500% better :pleased: So now I think I can enjoy summer. 🙂
2. What is your favorite summer activity? Why?
Mmmh, good question. Rollerblading would be one thing. Now it’s even better, just across the street there’s a rollerblading paradise. 🙂
3. What is your favorite summer destination? Why? That would be the USA, but honestly, that’s my favorite destination any time of the year!
4. What are your summer plans for 2003?
Don’t really have any so far. If there’s a chance and another play/musical with Malcolm, I might just fly to NYC with Eliza again.
5. Would you be in favor of rotating long breaks for school-aged kids so that there aren’t as many out at the same time during summer? Why or why not?
Well, they already kinda do that here in Germany. Different “States” have different times for summer break.



Naaah, I’m not “really” moving again. 😎
Just my homepage might move. First it will only be my Fanlisting collective Obsess Much?, but my personal page might follow soon. There’s nothing definite yet. Didn’t buy a new hosting plan yet, but most likely will, ’cause the one I’m at right now is just too expensive for my liking. The one I’m considering right now has twice as much space and costs a little more than half of what I’m paying right now. :shocked: Yeah, there you see it. Everything concerning the Internet ist damn expensive here in Germany. :sad::angry:
So yeah, I’m thinking about changing to Netrillium, I got that suggestion from Bonnie. She’s very happy with it just as some other people I know, who are using it.
Currently I can’t buy the plan I want to use yet, but I guess they’ll open it up again within the next few days. *crosses fingers*

My Daily Double
1. If you were to die today, how many poeple do you think would attend your funeral?
Hummm….difficult question. Including my family, it would probably be around 12 or 13 I guess…but I’m not dying today so you don’t have to worry about what you’ll wear just yet. 😉
2. How many languages do you speak? What are they?
I speak two languages, English and German. But I also learned French, Latin and a little bit of Spanish, so I understand a bit of those. If forced I probably might be able to say something in French, don’t know.

Friday Five

Friday Five

Just noticed after posting that it’s not Friday anymore… oh well, what’s 21 minutes? 🙂

the friday five

1. What brand of toothpaste do you use? Colgate

2. What brand of toilet paper do you prefer? I love Charmin’ but my mom won’t buy it, ’cause it’s too expensive :blank:

3. What brand(s) of shoes do you wear? Camel or No-Name

4. What brand of soda do you drink? Vanilla Coke

5. What brand of gum do you chew? Orbit Sugar Free Gum

Short Update

Short Update

I just added some new Pictures to my page! Check out the “Pictures” section for pics of our trip to the zoo last sunday, and also some new pics of Anka. Aaah, she’s so adorable! :valentine::wolf:

Even more smilies

Even more smilies

I’m getting better and better with this stuff.
I just added all my instant smilies to the blog posting form. Nah, not very interesting for you guys, but for me. :pleased: When I post, I don’t have to remember all the codes, but can just click on the smileys.
So, I guess in my next few entries I might go a little smiley crazy, ’cause I’m so glad they work that way.:happy:

Wheee, the mailman just rang and gave me a package. I order some stuff from Kodak the other day and they already got it here. Fast! :shocked:
Now I’m the proud owner of a Malcolm mousepad and cup. :cloud9::hearts: Yeah, I already mentioned that I’m obsessed and I’m pretty sure you would’ve noticed without me telling. 🙂
I looove Kodak! :heart:
The mousepad is still a bit smelly, but that will go away (I hope), the quality of the pic is way better than I expected it. Same with the cup. Well, I’m happy now. :happy:



Well, not that bad maybe…dunno.
I’m trying to get the instant smilies for the comments to work. And they get included when you click them, but…they don’t show up in the comment after it’s been posted. 😥
When I check the comments in the admin panel the codes are still there though.
Anyone can help me??? 🙁

Not alone anymore

Not alone anymore

Well, I guess my week of care-free living is almost over. 🙁
My mom has been on a school trip since Monday, which meant I was home alone with Anka. There was really not much going on. I just spent most of my time in front of the computer (which is no news, is it? ;))
Anyway, in a few hours I’ll pick her up at the station, so I have some time left to clean everything around here. Yeah; I’m a bit messy. 😀 She hadn’t even been gone for a day and the kitchen already looked like a bomb had been dropped in there. :shocked: Yeah, I already cleaned most of that now. 🙂
Anyone else out there who is so messy? I have to say when it comes to my own room, that is usually pretty clean. But only ever since we moved. Before that you could barely walk in my room. I guess I just had too much stuff. Most of it I just threw out when moving. Now I have enough space for everything. Well, kinda. The other day I noticed that my DVD collection seems to be exploding. I have so many they don’t fit in the assigned space anymore. :uhoh: I guess something else has to go then.
*runs off to ebay* Actually I have some videos for sale on there, though I guess I won’t get much money for them. Too bad. *sighs* As long as they go out at all.
Ok, I started rambling, and I’m sure nobody is interested in all this, so I’m just gonna stop.
Tata for now!

Movable Type

Movable Type

So, I just changed my blog from Greymatter to Movable Type.
I had considered it for a while already, and today I decided to go for it. After reading some praise about at the Codegrrl.com Forums
It took me a while to figure out how everything works, and how to transfer all my entries, but I’ve made it. Hurrah!
Thanks also goes to Sasha for helping out when I was stuck. It was just a small pointer, but if she hadn’t told me the script probably wouldn’t be installed yet. So, thanks a lot! You’re my hero!

New pictures

New pictures

Inspired by Martina I scanned the pictures of my first trip to the USA. That was in 1996 and I went to Falmouth, MA with my school. I had a wonderful time, and I felt at home there. Leaving that place was one of the hardest things i had to do in my life.

I wish I’d still be in contact with my “family” but somehow we lost sight of each other and now I can’t find them anymore. 🙁