FFAF is over.
Again, I didn’t post on any blogs. Shame on me, but I was so exhausted yesterday, I couldn’t do a thing anymore. πŸ™

Anyway, thanks to the people who posted on mine. πŸ™‚

Why I

Why I

The remaining topics in my head for FFAF are scarce, so I’m going to take this opportunity to sing the praises of Rob Thomas, the voice and lyrics behind Matchbox Twenty.

I think there’s something very average about Rob that makes him cute. Which is a plus. But the songs he writes are wonderful, which is the main reason I have a crush on him. Between “Smooth” and “Unwell”, well, if I were a teenager, I might just have his picture on my wall to swoon at while I listened to M20’s songs on my stereo.

This has been your monthly giddy-fest from Daria, the Diner Bitch πŸ˜‰



Hey! πŸ™‚ Its fellow FFAF’er Luka here. In the past I’ve gone to all the blogs and posted quotes from movies. This month I am doing something a wee bit different. I am going to post quotes from songs πŸ™‚

As they speed through the finish, the flags go down
The fans get up and they get out of town
The arena is empty except for one man
Still driving and striving as fast as he can

Can YOU name this band? The song title too? πŸ™‚

Free For All Friday…again

Free For All Friday…again

I already forgot about it last month and now I almost forgot too. *blushes*
Well, here it is now!

1. Go to http://www.silent-dreams.org/wp-admin/
2. Login/Password: ffaf/dontspam
3. You will be automatically sent to the page where you make a new post
4. Enter a title, and make sure on the top right, that the “FFAFriday” category is checked, NOT General
5. Type what you want to type into the Post Body “Entry Body”.
6. When youҀ™re done, click “Publish” at the bottom of your entry


1. Please keep it somewhat clean… if you don’t think I would post it, don’t. God forbid if I find spam or porn links…
2. Feel free to link your blog… just make sure you say who you are. (sign your post)
3. I reserve the right to edit/delete inappropriate posts (or those with really obvious spelling mistakes)
4. Have fun!



And again I haven’t updated in a while. Shame on me, as usual. But darn, I just have no time lately, so much to do, not only at work, but internet wise. I just bought SincereAmore.com from the previous owner Ann, and I have fanlistings to finish and stuff….
Two days ago, I installed a new Q&A script, ’cause for some reason the old one gave me trouble on the new server, no idea why. The new one gave me some cookie troubles in the beginning, but I was able to fix it, so yay, no more error messages and a working Q&A script!

Come on! I know you want to ask me something! πŸ˜‰



Heh, I thought I’d update you guys on what’s going on in my life. πŸ™‚
So, first my trip to France…
I had an awesome time, met lots of very nice people, so great places, was stuffed with food almost to the point of explosion and drank very good wine, and lots of that! *g*
So getting up at 4:30 in the morning wasn’t all that fun, but the trip definitely made up for it. The exact details of what we did is probably a bit boring for you guys, so I’m not gonna type them up, but you can look at tons of pics in my gallery.
While speaking of the gallery…you might notice that I installed Coppermine here too now. I just like the script and what it can do. Makes uploading images a lot easier. Maybe I should start using it for Secret Obsession too? What do you think?

On Wednesday night I went to see the Spider-Man 2 preview, and what can I tell you? It rocked!! I totally loved the movie! And on my way home, I already wrote the fanlisting application in my head. LOL! I’m a nutcase. πŸ˜›
But really, if you haven’t seen it yet, please go and see it! I didn’t think that it could be any better than the first movie, and was sooo proved wrong! It IS better! Unbelievable but true. I loved it so much, I’m gonna go see it again tomorrow!
I loved how the characters, especially Peter showed so much depth, very nice 3-dimensional characters. The actors did a great job. And being a Peter/MJ shipper, the ending obviously was heaven for me. ^-^
The funniest scene ever was Spiderman riding the elevator with Hal Sparks!! I had to laugh out loud when I saw Hal, people around me gave me strange looks. Well, QAF is not known the wider German masses, since they don’t show it on tv here (what a shame). I just thought it was so funny that “Michael”, the comic freak actually met Spiderman. What a neat little coincidence. πŸ™‚
Obviously the special effects were awesome too, though at some points Doc Ock looked a bit too fake, when he was climbing up those walls. But I can happily ignore that πŸ˜€

I think that’s all I have to write about now. Better get back to working on the two fanlistings I got approved for. Michael Mittermeier and Hugh’s Tony Awards performance.

I was in NYC last night!

I was in NYC last night!

Hah, yeah, I wish. πŸ˜›
I didn’t mention it before, ’cause I wasn’t sure whether I’d get a ticket, since I was off work for two weeks. Anyway, don’t want to confuse you any further by making weird remarks.
I saw the musical “42nd Street” last night! For free!! (Thanks Lufthansa for letting me go)
That was the first time I’ve seen it, and I was amazed. It is a really awesome musical, and I had a great time. All the dancing and costumes was great. Very loud and colorful, just the way I like musicals. Flashy! πŸ™‚
The performers did an awesome job, and I really have no idea how they do that every single night, I sure would die. So exhausting, all that dancing.
2 days ago it was announced that 42nd Street will be dropped by the end of the year, which makes me glad that I got to see it now.
Rumor has it that this time, finally Elisabeth will come to Stuttgart, but I won’t believe it, unless I see an official statement. We had the rumor before, when Cats was dropped. But in the end it was replaced by Mamma Mia, which I thought was a bad decision, since it’s already running in Hamburg, very successfully. Why do we need it twice?
Oh well, I am gonna cross my fingers for Elisabeth.

I hope you won’t miss me too much the next few days. Tomorrow morning, bright and early (at 6:45am) my planes leaves for Lyon, France. I’m going there on a travel agency info trip and won’t be back until Sunday night. Hope it will be fun and hope even more that the folks there speak German or at least English, ’cause my French is basically non-existent. πŸ˜‰

Have a nice rest of the week folks! *waves*



Hello fellow WP user! πŸ™‚

Isn’t FFAF just fantastic? I love it.

I can’t think of anything interesting to say though – so I’ve just been posting quotes from my quotes-journal.. here ya go!

“Peace cannot be achieved through violence, it can only be attained through understanding.” Ralph Waldo Emerson

Enjoy the weekend! Libby

Happy FFAF!

Happy FFAF!

Woohoo! You are the 7th FFAFing WordPress user that I’ve found, which means that you rock! πŸ˜€ I swear, about two or three months ago I was the only WordPress user. The community is growing, baby!
