

Ok, stop already!! It annoys me that I have to turn off my computer every 10 minutes, ’cause there’s just another thunderstorm coming along. So annoying. We’ve had thunderstorms off and on for the last few days, and they’re pretty bad. Usually I really like thunderstorms, I love to look at the lightnings going down. But now it’s enough!
Usually thunderstorms are refreshing, but right now, nothing like that. It still stays very hot and humid, which causes more thunderstorms to come…Ugh! Well, it’s almost time to turn off my computer again, ’cause the next one is on its way. *frustrated sigh*

But before turning it off, lemme post the This or That Tuesday

1. Newspapers or magazines?
Magazines. *hugs her Cinema mag*
2. Books-on-tape or regular books?
I prefer regular books, there’s nothing like curling up on your couch with a good book.
3. Paperback or hardcover?
Usually I buy Paperback, only ’cause they’re a lot cheaper, and with my book obsession I really have to watch out for my money.
4. Fiction or non-fiction?
Fiction. I love to escape into different worlds.
5. Sci-Fi/Fantasy or romance novels?
I’m a sucker for romance. 🙂
6. Borrow from library or buy books (either new or used)?
I haven’t borrowed a book from the library in ages.
7. Subscribe to magazines or buy on newsstand?
Aah, subscription is so comfy! 😀
8. Current best-sellers or classic literature?
Depends, I like both.
9. Read books once, or re-read favorites every so often?
Re-read!! I’ve read my bible (Shopaholic Series) about 3 or 4 times already. Mind you, I first read the books about 6 months ago.
10. Here in the U.S., we have two hot best-sellers…former First Lady Hillary Clinton’s memoirs, and the new Harry Potter book (coming out June 21). If you had to read one, which one…Hillary or Harry? Why?
Harry Potter. Sorry, but I’m just not very interested in Hillary’s memoirs…

2 thoughts on “Thunderstorms

  1. Nope, the Liseberg Loopen is gone… together with HangOver (one of the best rollercoasters I’ve ever taken)… I haven’t been there for a while though 😉
    But yes, it’s kinda weird… :yes:

    Oh Anna… why all these smilies? I just wanna use them all right now! :tongue2: Yes, i do! :yes:

  2. Ugh, yes, that’s annoying when you’re trying to use the computer. Heh. But I love storms and thunder and rain. But like there, it’s been hotand humid here regardless of all the rain we’re getting. I can’t even sleep at night because it’s so hot. Bleh. By the way, I am sooo glad your friend is copying his QAF DVDs for you! Woo hoo! 😀

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