

That’s all I can say.
My mom went for a walk with Anka in the afternoon, and when they came back Anka was not cream-colored anymore. She was green! And she smelled awful!! :shocked: Apparently she jumpeeed into a ditch and was having a good time. The smellier the better for her. Yuck! Well, we took the hose and tried to get as much as possible washed out, but what can I say, she still smells, and so does our livingroom. Why do dogs always like the extra smelly stuff??

On a lighter note, I did the big trouble check update in the Stage Shows category today. You probably wonder why I say big update, when it’s so small. Well, let me tell you, for Stage Shows it really is big, this is such a quiet category, I’m very happy with it. Though, I wouldn’t mind taking care of another small category. Preferably Places or Animals. But they are in good hands right now, so I’ll just busy myself with Stage Shows. Just have to make sure I don’t apply for all the fanlistings in there. It’s very tempting, but well, need to give other people chances too. If they ever apply for the fanlistings I want. What a dilemma.

There’s no news on MalcolmGets.Com. Didn’t work on it all week, but it is on my To-Do List for the weekend. Now that I got the Stage Shows update out of the way, I should have enough time. At least when I don’t get approved for any of the fanlistings I applied for. :pleased: Nah, really, I want to get this finished, so I better get my ass in gear.

Now just one last thing….the Friday Five:
1. What were your favorite childhood stories?
Mmmmh, I would say fairytales.

2. What books from your childhood would you like to share with [your] children?
Definitely Astrid Lindgren’s books. She was a fabulous author

3. Have you re-read any of those childhood stories and been surprised by anything?
Nope, but I guess I should some time

4. How old were you when you first learned to read?
Wow, umm, I think I started learning to read in kindergarten, so I must’ve been around 4 or 5. I loved to read back then and I still do!

5. Do you remember the first ‘grown-up’ book you read? How old were you?
I really don’t remember…

Wondering what’s wrong

Wondering what’s wrong

I’m feeling very weird today, no idea what’s going on…
It started when I woke up this morning, I turned in bed and suddenly everything around me started spinning. I felt like I was about to faint. And it’s been like that all day long. Funny enough is that it only happens when I’m lying down. Now that I’m sitting at my computer everything seems to be fine. But then again, that could be ’cause I’m not really moving much when sitting here.
I know that my blood pressure tends to be a bit low (though I can’t explain why, if you saw me you’d think the opposite were the case)
Maybe the heat is finally getting to me?
I just hope this will be over soon, I really don’t like it. 🙁



I finally finished the layout, and also put up some content, but I’m not finished yet. Actually I’m nowhere near being finished I guess. Wanna sneak a peek? Just go here. I know the layout is a bit plain, but honestly, I didn’t want to make a layout with lots of graphics. I think it’s just fine the way it is now.
Again I’m very glad about having switched from Greymatter to Movable Type. It’s so easy to install extra blogs. I’m now using 3. This one, one at Perfect Stranger, and one for News at the Malcolm site.
Again I have to thank the helpful folks at Codegrrl for helping me figure out some things for the layout. Don’t know what I’d do without you guys. :yes:
Ok, since the weekly wrapup isn’t up yet, I’ll just do the Friday Five 🙂
1. How are you planning to spend the summer [winter]?
I don’t really have any plans to be honest. Trying to save up money for our next New York trip I guess.
2. What was your first summer job?
That was when I was 15, I think. I was working in a factory that produced metal brushes. It was my job to pack them into boxes and mail them. Though it was kind of exhausting it was a fun job. I hated my boss though, and he didn’t really like me either. I worked there for two summers.
3. If you could go anywhere this summer [winter], where would you go?
I guess I already answered that in the first question, huh? New York!!! Give me money and I’m packing my bags right away.
4. What was your worst vacation ever?
I don’t remember having a bad vacation, I always had lots of fun.
5. What was your best vacation ever?
Oh my…that’s a hard one. I’d say the New York trip in April… but mmmmh, maybe the USA trip in ’99? I really can’t say..

The weekly wrapup will follow as soon as it’s being posted. 🙂

One last thing…I want to plug Linda! She made a layout using my BJD screencaps, and it looks gorgeous!!

How pathetic

How pathetic

Yeah, I’m so pathetic.
About an hour ago I was sitting at my computer when there suddenly was something small flying in front of me. It landed on a piece of paper right in front of me and kinda looked at me. At least it was faced in my direction. It was a weird looking bug, never seen one like that before. The fact that it was kinda staring at me creeped me out so much, that I just ran out of my room. (Hey, at least I didn’t scream! :tongue2: )
I really don’t like any kinds of bugs and beetles, they are just disgusting, that’s what I think anyway. Same goes for spiders.
Well, about 10 minutes later I went back into my room hoping it was gone, and it was. At least it wasn’t sitting in that place anymore. What a relief, but then again, I was quite tense, ’cause I expected it to show up again. It didn’t….until I forgot about it.
Just a few minutes ago I was looking at my computer desk and there it was again!! Staring at me!!
This time I took a tissue, threw it over the bug and got rid of it that way. Eep! I’m glad I could actually do that…
Anyone else have this problem with bugs? They’re just creepy! :shocked:

On a lighter note…
according to Human For Sale I’m worth $1,618,038.00! Anyone got enought money? :wink3:



Ok, stop already!! It annoys me that I have to turn off my computer every 10 minutes, ’cause there’s just another thunderstorm coming along. So annoying. We’ve had thunderstorms off and on for the last few days, and they’re pretty bad. Usually I really like thunderstorms, I love to look at the lightnings going down. But now it’s enough!
Usually thunderstorms are refreshing, but right now, nothing like that. It still stays very hot and humid, which causes more thunderstorms to come…Ugh! Well, it’s almost time to turn off my computer again, ’cause the next one is on its way. *frustrated sigh*

But before turning it off, lemme post the This or That Tuesday

1. Newspapers or magazines?
Magazines. *hugs her Cinema mag*
2. Books-on-tape or regular books?
I prefer regular books, there’s nothing like curling up on your couch with a good book.
3. Paperback or hardcover?
Usually I buy Paperback, only ’cause they’re a lot cheaper, and with my book obsession I really have to watch out for my money.
4. Fiction or non-fiction?
Fiction. I love to escape into different worlds.
5. Sci-Fi/Fantasy or romance novels?
I’m a sucker for romance. 🙂
6. Borrow from library or buy books (either new or used)?
I haven’t borrowed a book from the library in ages.
7. Subscribe to magazines or buy on newsstand?
Aah, subscription is so comfy! 😀
8. Current best-sellers or classic literature?
Depends, I like both.
9. Read books once, or re-read favorites every so often?
Re-read!! I’ve read my bible (Shopaholic Series) about 3 or 4 times already. Mind you, I first read the books about 6 months ago.
10. Here in the U.S., we have two hot best-sellers…former First Lady Hillary Clinton’s memoirs, and the new Harry Potter book (coming out June 21). If you had to read one, which one…Hillary or Harry? Why?
Harry Potter. Sorry, but I’m just not very interested in Hillary’s memoirs…

Wow, I wrote a lot of e-mails tonight!
I feel so bad about neglecting this. I haven’t written to some of those people for so long. The longest was since February. *sighs* I really don’t know why it took me so long to reply. I hope she’s not too angry with me. I can’t really explain why I let it happen, after all, writing e-mails doesn’t take that long…
But yeah, I’m relieved now, and I hope I will not continue like this. I always tell myself that I will write back sooner, but so far, it didn’t work. Any ideas for me? How can I force myself to write back sooner?
Also, I’m thinking about getting an e-mail address which will be just for my friends, that way it’s easier to sort them into a seperate folder, so they won’t disappear between other mails. Yeah, I think I’m really going to do that. It could already help.
If any of you neglected people read this…I’m sorry, really sorry, and I love you all dearly! :valentine::heart: I guess I kind of cut myself off of everyone around me. No idea why, I just did it, no wonder I feel so lonely lately. There’s only one person I talk to regularly on IM, all the others? Don’t know what happened there…

Queer as Folk

Queer as Folk

It’s all Skyler’s fault! :cool4:
Yesterday I finally started downloading the first episode, and I just watched it tonight. God, I love this show already!! I’m afraid it’ll never be shown on German FreeTV though, might be a tad too much for some people. It would definitely cause a lot of trouble. Well, I already wrote to Premiere asking whether they’ll show it. I’d love them forever if they did. Especially if they did it like “Six Feet Under”, you can actually choose between watching the Original or the dubbed version. Of course I’m watching it in English, what else? :rolleyes:
Anyway, yeah, I’m waiting for a response right now and hope it’ll be a positive one! Cross your fingers for me everybody! Having to download all the episodes would be a pain, and buying the DVDs is out of question, at least right now. Can anyone tell me why they’re so damn expensive??? :bigcry:
Maybe I should make an amazon wishlist and post it on there, hoping someone will buy it for me. Yeah right! :inquisitive: *sighs*

Dancing in the Rain

Dancing in the Rain

That’s what I did today, yeap.
It’s been unbearingly hot for about the last two weeks. And tonight we finally got a huge thunderstorm and lots of rain. When it all began I was just standing outside in the pouring rain and started spinning in circles. That was so refreshing! I haven’t done that since I was a kid.
In the afternoon I went for a walk with Anka :gromit:, haven’t one that in a while, especially since we had my mom’s friend visit with her dog over the weekend.
There is a small well on the route where we usually walk with her, and our friend actually taught Anka to go in there. Today I witnessed that for the first time. It looked so funny, big Anka in the small well, all she can do is swim in small circles. She snorted like a hippo. The well might not be very wide, but it’s too deep for her to stand in it.
I felt like jumping in there too, ’cause it was so hot, and on our route there’s hardly any shadow, only where the well is. But there were other people too. Else I would’ve probably stood in it. Oh well, next time…
My mom and me decided to go together with her some time, so I can take my camera and take pictures of her. They will definitely end up on this page, so just keep checking back for them. 🙂
It stopped raining now, and I’m sure tomorrow it will be hot as ever. Well, I’m glad that I’m now living in the basement, it stays pretty cool down here. Don’t want to remember the times when I was living under the roof, with fans all around me and they didn’t even help much…

Perfect Stranger

Perfect Stranger

Perfect Stranger is now up and running. And I already have my first hostee Page
Everything seems to work perfectly fine. I’m so glad!
I thought hosting someone would be more difficult to figure out, but nope, not at all.
My next projects are two fanlistings. One for “Dance of the Vampires” I approved myself for that one. *snickers* That’s really weird, to send yourself an approval mail and then fill out your own finished form and receive it in your mailbox a few seconds later.
Other project is a fanlisting for Robert Gant. Beth was supposed to make it, but didn’t have enough time to do it, and she told me I could have it! Wheee! :cloud9: Thanks Beth!! :kiss:



I made a new Messageboard for my page. I used the Invisionbard that is very easily being installed by Netrillium, didn’t have to do a thing. Well, besides of course I had to customize it the way I want it, and I did that the whole evening. Some images still need to be fixed, but so far everything looks great! 😀 I know it will hardly be used, but hey, just in case. 🙂
I also purchased another domain today (is this turning into my new addiction?) Nah, this was planned. I want to start hosting fanlistings, and that’s what the domain Perfect Stranger is for. The name was as suggestion by Jess. Thanks a lot, hun! :kiss:
As of now Perfect Stranger is not up. Meaning, the DNS wasn’t changed to Netrillium yet, hopefully it’ll be up when I get up tomorrow morning.
And hopefully by then my fanlistings will stay where they are. It’s really weird. Sometimes they show up from Netrillium, sometimes from my old host. *scratches head* Gotta love T-Online…I know other people can see them perfectly fine all the time.
Anyway, that’s it for today, oh no, wait.

Here’s the Daily Double for today:
1. What is your favorite body part on others?
Eyes and hands
2. If you can have plastic surgery, where would you get it?
Oh my, I don’t know. Do I have to? I really don’t like plastic surgery.