I told you to remind me!

I told you to remind me!

1. Go to http://www.silent-dreams.org/wp-admin/
2. Login/Password: ffaf/dontspam
3. You will be automatically sent to the page where you make a new post
4. Enter a title, and make sure on the top right, that the “FFAFriday” category is checked, NOT General
5. Type what you want to type into the Post Body “Entry Body”.
6. When you’re done, click “Publish” at the bottom of your entry


1. Please keep it somewhat clean… if you don’t think I would post it, don’t. God forbid if I find spam or porn links…
2. Feel free to link your blog… just make sure you say who you are. (sign your post)
3. I reserve the right to edit/delete inappropriate posts (or those with really obvious spelling mistakes)
4. Have fun!

NYC Here I come!

NYC Here I come!

Yeah, so people reading my LJ already know about my plans.
I want to fly to NYC for one week in August. I already made my flight reservation, but can’t book yet, ’cause I’m gonna apply for a 75% Agency Discount, but can only do that 4 weeks before leaving. Luckily I can reserve the flights until then without having to issue a ticket.
I already booked the hostel though. Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! I’m so excited about this.

P.s.: Will someone please remind me that it’s Free for all Friday tomorrow? ^_^

A “Real” Entry

A “Real” Entry

So I posted twice today already, but both times only about website related stuff.
I feel bad for neglecting my blog so much, but there’s really nothing to write about most of the time, and if there is, I do use my LJ quite a lot. But yeah, not today.
There’s a few things I’m really looking forward to:
March 25th-28th: 4 days off in a row! Yay! Can’t wait for that. I need a break from work, when it’s not completely busy with me not even having time to breathe it’s so slow I’m bored out of my mind. My work computer more and more starts to look like my computer at home. I have installed quite a few things on it to keep me busy. Trillian was like one of the first things I installed, but I hardly ever talk to anyone on my buddylist. The other day my boss was sitting at my computer and saw a little popup saying that one of my buddies signed on. He pointed at it asking “What’s that there?” I didn’t know what to say so he only got a “Nothing” as a reply at first. I then explained that it is a program with which I can see whether my friends are online. Didn’t say it was really a chat program. 😉 Well, he accepted the answer and didn’t ask more.
April 5th-7th: Disneyland Paris here I come!!!! Yes, I’m going on a FAM-Trip to Disneyland for 3 days. We’re gonna stay in Sequoia Lodge and will most likely have a busy schedule. But who cares?! It’s Disneyland and it doesn’t cost me a cent! w00t!
April 13th: Information Evening in Stuttgart about Florida. Very much looking forward to that. Those evenings are usually very interesting and they show you lots of great things. Will have to check on Tuesday whether one of my classmates is going too. It’s always more fun when you know people. 🙂 Oh yes, and they have free food! 😛
April 21st: Well, I don’t have a confirmation for it yet, but one of our tour operators has a special for the musical Elisabeth in Stuttgart. I’ve seen it in Vienna in 2003, but would love love love to see it again. I was very late with my application so I only made it onto the wait list. Cross your fingers that I will be able to go, please!

Yes, I think that’s it, can’t think of any other plans in the near future, besides a road show I’m attending on Monday. But that’s not really all that tell-worthy. It’s definitely very interesting, but not for you guys. 😉

New Skin!

New Skin!

Yay! Lots of new things today!
I just finished off a new skin for the site and I have to say I loooove it. I love the way it looks. Mmh, Claire is gorgeous, don’t you all agree? Been working on the layout ever since I finished the WordPress stuff and am totally exhausted now. Methinks I need a break from the computer now.
Please let me know if you spot anything not working in this layout. I know about the IE problem with the copyright layer link on shorter pages already.

Site completely WordPressized

Site completely WordPressized

Or whatever you might want to call it. The whole page is now running through WordPress. Content pages and obviously the blog. I really like the way it’s customized now, ’cause I can access all the stuff from everywhere, so when I’m bored at work I can add some stuff to the site.
Of course this means that I will have to start making more regular updates of the database, wouldn’t want to lose any of this stuff, since it’s been a bit strenuous to make it the way it is now. I obviously have to thank the friendly souls at the WordPress Support Board, and especially Minna for providing me with a Page template!
There’s only two pages that I couldn’t convert to WordPress yet, since there seems to be a problem with the PHP code, not sure. It’s the Questions and Blogroll pages. I have the RunPHP plugin running, but I get error messages when trying to execute these two scripts…. :\



You know, this Free For All Friday, I am actually going to try to make an effort to post on as many blogs as possible. Normally, I only manage to visit one or two, feel like I’m repeating myself horribly, and then decide to stop. Oops!

As for the WordPress posting privileges thingy, I did exactly the same thing with FFAF over at my blog, eep. Still getting used to 1.5! 😉

No direct-linkin in Spanish

No direct-linkin in Spanish

This is Calítoe.:., at http://www.diletante.net
Your “Don’t direct link” is pretty useful, but the Spanish translation (no offense intended for the translator) would leave a Spanish native speaker as clueless as before. Here’s my suggested translation:

Enlazar directamente (direct-linking) es el acto por el cual una persona enlaza directamente a una imagen o a cualquier objeto del sitio de otra simplemente usando el URL de la localización real del objeto. De este modo, los que enlazan directamente no tienen que cargar el objeto en su propio espacio web, sino que utilizan el espacio del servidor que otra persona ha pagado, así como su ancho de banda (bandwidth). Los que enlazan directamente se benefician de los recursos de otra persona, pero para el webmaster-víctima, esto es una ofensa grave, porque otras personas le están robando el ancho de banda que se esfuerzan en pagar. La anchura de banda no es una cosa barata, y un sitio puede colapsarse si el uso de la anchura de banda excede un límite determinado. Como es evidente, este acto puede considerarse muy irrespetuoso con otras personas.

Free For All Friday!

Free For All Friday!

Wow, this time I remembered it in time! 😀

1. Go to http://www.silent-dreams.org/wp-admin/
2. Login/Password: ffaf/dontspam
3. You will be automatically sent to the page where you make a new post
4. Enter a title, and make sure on the top right, that the “FFAFriday” category is checked, NOT General
5. Type what you want to type into the Post Body “Entry Body”.
6. When you’re done, click “Publish” at the bottom of your entry


1. Please keep it somewhat clean… if you don’t think I would post it, don’t. God forbid if I find spam or porn links…
2. Feel free to link your blog… just make sure you say who you are. (sign your post)
3. I reserve the right to edit/delete inappropriate posts (or those with really obvious spelling mistakes)
4. Have fun!

ETA: Yeah, great…..I forgot to give the account posting priviledges. Anna is smart… 😛
That came with the new WP version..
Anyway, posting is now really open. 🙂