Still here…
Ah, didn’t blog in a while. Sorry about that…
Just a few days ago I started to work as second staffer for the movies category at TFL.Org I’m only taking care of Finished, Moved and Closed fanlistings. So this shouldn’t be too difficult. Though, it’s a very large category. Katie, the other staffer forwarded all the forms she had in her mailbox to me, so I made a big update yesterday. Took me a few hours to work through everything. But that’s only ’cause the forms were dating back a few weeks. I’ll try to keep it up to date as much as possible. That way it should be easy to handle.
I don’t think I mentioned Secret Obsession here yet, did I? Yeah, you guessed right, another domain I bought. :blush: I just can’t stop. I got the name from a line in “Amour”. In the song “Dusoleil in Jail” Madeline and Claire sing to Dusoleil “I love you, I need you, and you need me too. My secret obsession, oh my Passepartout” When I heard that, I just knew I had to get that as a domain name. I’m crazy, I know. :happy: I ordered the domain without even knowing what I was going to do with it. But now I know. I will make that a screencaps site. All the screencaps that are up here, and more I’m going to make will be put up there. Well, now I got the idea, but I have no idea what it will look like yet. Grrr. I have way too much t do. And I’m constantly slacking off. I could have already finished the Malcolm page, but no, not even close yet. Though, I am actually working on it, just very slowly.
Other news. Eliza is coming to visit in a bit over 2 weeks. Yay! On August 4th I’m going to drive my mom to her friend, living close to Cologne, and after that I’ll pick up Eliza and we’ll drive back to my place. She will stay till August 8th. I’m sure we’ll have tons of fun!!
A day after she leaves, on Saturday, I’ll drive to Hinterzarten with Biggi, to go see the summer skijumping tournament! So looking forward to that! Hopefully the weather will be better than last year though. Don’t want to be soaked again.
On Tuesday I got a small stack of CD in the mail. 3 to be exact. “Into the Woods”, “Thoroughly Modern Millie” and “Hairspray”. I love them all very much, but “Hairspray”, Woah! Awesome!! Have been listening to nothing than that CD for the past 3 days!! If you love musicals, go get it!
I think that was all for today… besides the Weekly Wrapup of course
1. What song (new or old) do you secretly enjoy, but publicly ridicule? Why?
Heh, there are some songs by Jennifer Lopez, that I actually enjoy. *blushes* But really, i can’t stand that woman!
2. Do you carry a purse or tote bag or backpack? If so, what’s inside?
I carry a small backpack when I go out during the day. I have my wallet, keys, and lipbalm in there. When I go out at night, with friends, I usually also have some gloss, mascara and stuff in there. But not always, I’m not that much of a make-up person.
3. Describe your dream job. Why did you select this one?
Professional Photographer. I just loove photography. But I do realize that it is very hard in that business. That’s why I’ll try for webdesign.
4. You are given an opportunity to live anywhere in the world, expense free, but you can never move again. Where do you live? Why?
That’s an easy question. Wanna take a guess? Of course New York City!! I just love the city!
5. What do you like about living in your particular city? Would you recommend it to others as a good place to live and work? Why?
As I usually don’t like too big cities (NYC the exception of course), Reutlingen is perfect. It is big, but not too big. It just has the right size.
6. What five people, living or dead, famous or not, do you wish lived on your block?
Heh, you can take a guess again, who’s going to be listed first. Yeap, Malcolm Gets. Other than that, hmmm, oh yeah! Eliza! That way we could meet and talk more often! That would be awesome! Don’t know who else to list…
2 thoughts on “Still here…”
You’re going to be near Cologne? You know they have a Ben & Jerry’s there, right?
Oo, a screencaps site! Can’t wait to see it
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